"With immediate effect starting today, Sunday 9 August 2020, the additional health and safety measure for Ruwais city residents will be eased. There are no longer access restrictions for people exiting and entering Ruwais. There is no longer a permit system and all access points to the city will reopen. This decision has been taken in coordination with the relevalnt government authorities."
>>> Initial annoucement @ 6th April 2020 <<<
>>> Update @ 5th MAY 2020 <<<
>>> Update @ 3rd JUNE 2020 <<<
>>> Update @ 2nd of July 2020 <<<
>>> Update @ 29th JULY 2020 <<<
>>> Update @ 9th August 2020 <<<
"With immediate effect starting today, Sunday 9 August 2020, the additional health and safety measure for Ruwais city residents will be eased. There are no longer access restrictions for people exiting and entering Ruwais. There is no longer a permit system and all access points to the city will reopen. This decision has been taken in coordination with the relevalnt government authorities."